What our name means & why there is something missing.

What our name means & why there is something missing.
WE WILL WHO WE ARE. In short 4 W's and an A.
We become who we are. Shaped by experiences, by stories, by life. But at the same time always in process, in constant change. 4WA is a homage to movement - not only in the physical sense. But also mentally, psychologically and also from home - because movement starts in the head. We don't want to be anyone else - but we want to become a better version of ourselves tomorrow. Make mistakes. Grow. Learning. Reflect.
Rattling rattling rattling... and your brain thinks it doesn't sound quite right somehow. Isn't there something missing? We are glad that you are so attentive and think along, because you are absolutely right in your assumption. WE WILL WHO WE ARE is an incomplete sentencebecause an important component is missing - namely the verb.
Therefore a little explanation: a verb is a do-word. It takes on the role of doing and acting in a sentence. So probably pretty much the main role, which makes the statement incomplete.
We have deliberately left this gap. Out of the wise intention to remember that our actions in the here and now shape our world tomorrow. So what we do and how we do it should be well considered.
WE - We are a motley team of people who could not be more different. Each one of them is a diamond, polished by life. But all with a common vision: for a good tomorrow.
WILL - The future form of want. We want to work together for a better world, where we show consideration for each other and for our planet. We have only this one home.
WHO WE ARE - Who are you and who are we. WE WILL BE WHO WE ARE. WE WILL CHANGE WHO WE ARE. WE WILL BECOME WHO WE ARE. To be or not to be, that is the question here. Each of us is evolving, being is a process. Being is determined by our actions. What will our world look like in 100 years? We determine that today, with what we do, who we are and who we want to be.
In short: WE WILL WHO WE ARE stands for our individual actions today & tomorrow. For a better future & to the best of our conscience. You decide how you act. You decide what your verb is.

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